Specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy. Certainly, if one does arise we will do everything in our power to correct it and make sure your customer experience remains a good one) Far less than 1% of the animals we ship arrive DOA (dead on arrival) so there is no reason to worry about an issue. (Please note that these conditions to our guarantee are in place to protect us from potential fraud. The photograph must be taken on the fed ex label that was attached to the top of the package. OTHER: In most lighting, the Cobalt Blue is only a dark gray. The Cobalt Blue is not a rare species and is bred all over the world these days. Availability of the Cobalt Blue Tarantula. They aren’t too easy to find, but not rare either. The cost of cobalt blue spiderlings is usually 60-100 dollars. If an animal arrives dead or in poor condition we require you photograph the animal within 4 hours of receiving it. I’ve seen prices range from fifty to eighty dollars. You will be notified by us when your animal does ship. Haplopelma lividum Las tarántulas Haplopelma lividum, más conocidas como cobalt blue por su color azul cobalto, son una especie de tarántula nativa de Birmania y Tailandia. Sometimes due to inclement weather at the Memphis hub or the fragile nature of the animal purchased we reserve the right to postpone shipping. Additionally, you must pick up your shipment and notify us of an issue within 4 hours of it arriving. Should you choose to have your shipment held for pick up temperatures should still be between 25 and 99 degrees. If your weather is expected to be extreme please contact us and we will make arrangements to hold the shipment for better weather or to have your shipment held at a local fed ex depot for pick up.

Should your weather be below 32 degrees or above 90 degrees when delivery is attempted our live arrival guarantee is considered null and void. It gained notoriety from its incredible coloration. We use insulated boxes with appropriate heating and cooling packs in addition to never shipping in extreme weather. by Richard Adams Cobalt Blue tarantulas are one of the most impressive tarantulas available in the pet trade.

The health and safety of our animals is our number one priority. We have been shipping live reptiles for over a decade and we do everything in our power to ensure that they arrive in tip-top condition. We will make 100% sure that you receive what you are expecting and that your animal arrival in overall good appearance and health. Reptile Pets Direct offers a complete live arrival and satisfaction guarantee. These arachnids have a striking blue coloration that gives them a very distinct appearance.

This is the fee we loose to credit card processors and our online merchant. We have some beautiful Cobalt Bl ue tarantulas for sale at incredibly low prices. If you request a refund before your animal ships and this refund request is a result of your personal choices and not our inventory you refund will be subjected to a 10% restocking fee. Before purchasing please read out complete terms of purchase: Payments are made via PayPal or can be run as credit/debit on our home webpage.