The prices on Jupiterimages are a little less than on, but more of less in the same ballpark. If the customer finds an image from one of the brands listed above on there are four different price levels depending on the brand. If the customer is going to use a lot more than 250 images in six months or so it will probably make a lot more sense to purchase a subscription, but very few customers will fall into that category.
#Thinkstock photos search license
The only problem customers have when purchasing images from Thinkstock rather than is that they can’t print more than 500,000 copies of an image in any given product without buying an extended license at an additional expense. If they run out before the year is up they simply purchase another pack and start a whole new year. The customer will want to try to purchase a pack that offers less than they actually expect to need so they are sure to use all the images allowed. All a customer needs to do is make an estimate of the number of images they will need to purchase in the next 12 months. Thinkstock offers large packs at deep discounts compared to Shutterstock. The Image Packs are a tremendous bargain, more with Thinkstock than Shutterstock. Thus, with a 25-image pack the cost per image is $9.16 with 100 image pack the cost is $7.99 and with a 250 image pack the cost is $5.99. The pricing for Shutterstock and Thinkstock breaks down as follows: Exclusive contributors have been given the option of having their images on Thinkstock, or not. Based on comments found on various blogs we believe very few of the exclusive contributors have allowed their images to be placed on Thinkstock because they generally think it is a bad deal. The non-exclusive contributors are required to allow Getty to sell their images through Thinkstock if they want the images to remain on iStock.

We believe most of these images are from the collections of non-exclusive iStock contributors. In addition, Getty claims they have put 6 million of the images from iStockphoto on Thinkstock. It is unclear whether all the images of these brands can be found on both sites, or whether Getty has done some type of editing and only selected some of the images from each collection to be placed on Thinkstock. Among the brands are: Blend, Image Source, Lifesize, Digital Vision, Photodisc, MonkeyBusiness, Stockbyte, DesignPics, Blue Jean, Fuse, MIXA, Wavebreak Media, Purestock, Ingram Publishing, Huntstock, Dorling Kindersley, BlueMoon Stock, TongRo Images, F1Online, EyeCandy, FogStock, Zoonar and Stocktrek.
#Thinkstock photos search free
This means that almost 30% of the Royalty Free images on are now also available on Thinkstock as well, at much lower prices. Getty has also placed 1 million of the Royalty Free images that can be found on on Thinkstock. When customers go to it says there are 2.5 million images on the site which would indicate that 100% of the images there can now also be found at Thinkstock at much lower prices. Among the Jupiter brands now on Thinkstock are: Creatas, Bananastock, Able Stock, Hemera, Goodshoot,, Liquidlibrary, PhotoObjects. These images can now be found on both sites at different price points on each site.

#Thinkstock photos search upgrade
Some of the brands acquired in the Jupiter deal, like Comstock and BrandX, are also available as separate brands on .Īccording to sources, in an effort to upgrade the quality of the Thinkstock offering Getty has put 3 million of the images from various brands that were originally part of the Jupiter purchase onto Thinkstock. Since then both Thinkstock and Jupiterimages have been operated as separate brands. Getty acquired Thinkstock as part of its 2009 purchase of Jupiterimages. Getty Images has watched the rise of Shutterstock – to the company’s chagrin – and is trying to build Thinkstock to a position where it can take market share away from Shutterstock.